Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Sorting Hat, The Potions Master, & The Midnight Duel

BOOK: The Sorcerer's Stone
CHAPTERS: 7 & 8 & 9
SYNOPSIS: Harry and his classmates are sorted into their houses, and we are introduced to life at Hogwarts - including Professor Snape.



  1. I am finding reading the book with the knowledge gained from all the other books extremely rewarding. It adds so much depth and I'm continually amazed at how many little things I missed before that Rowling brings back in the other books.

    Ah, Snape. In an effort to avoid spoilers, I will simply say that. Ah, Snape. I can't imagine the books without him. :-)

  2. One of my favourite lines from the entire series:

    "I Can Teach You How To Bottle Fame, Brew Glory, Even Stopper Death"

    And no one does it like Rickman! While I'm not a huge fan of the movies, I find his portrayal of Snape very interesting. Apparently JKR told him SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER about his relationship with Lily so he played him with that in mind the whole time.

    Snape is such a fan favourite, but I always found him to be such a bully. No teacher should ever be allowed to treat students the way he does, and I don't think Dumbledore should have allowed it.

    Here's something else that bugs me: the math doesn't add up. JKR always describes "hundreds" of students. But if there are about 10 kids per grade per house, that makes 70 per house, and 280 in the whole school. When I think of "hundreds", it's more than 280. There would only be 20 per class in the early years (because they combine two houses per course) and far fewer in the later years as students specialized.

  3. I've noticed that too about the number of students, but always decided to just kind of go with it. I kept thinking...surely there are more wizards in the world than this...they'd be going extinct or something by now if there are really these few of them in all of England.

    I really don't like the movies for making it seem like the Gryffindors take every single class with the Slytherins. They just want to play up the rivalry between Harry and Malfoy, but it just gets old, particularly when you know how they're really supposed to be.

  4. I'm a week ahead with my reading. Done with chapter 1 of book 2. :) I'm planning to watch The Sorcerer's Stone tonight.

  5. Why is Peeves "scared" of the ghost of the Bloody Baron?

  6. The fact of Peeves being afraid of the Bloody Baron is never explained. There is some discussion of the Bloody Baron in Book 7 as concerns what he was like when alive. I think it's just his meanness that Peeves is scared of.
