Thursday, September 23, 2010

New Trailer

This will probably be the last trailer we get before the film comes out. Just a little over a month folks!

<i>Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows</i>: New Trailer Released

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Horace Slughorn-Snape Victorious

BOOK: The Half-Blood Prince


* How do you feel about Slughorn?

* Did it surprise you to see just how cruel Draco could really be?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Other Minister & Will and Won't

BOOK: The Half-Blood Prince
SYNOPSIS: In which the Muggle Prime Minister recounts his encounters with Cornelius Fudge, Fudge visits him again with Scrimgeour, and we learn that Scrimgeour is the new Minister for Magic. We also hear of the wizarding world's open war with Voldemort - dozens of Muggles have been killed along with Amelia Bones and Emmeline Vance, the Dementors and giants have joined Voldemort, and the Ministry is struggling to fight. Narcissa calls on Snape in secret against Voldemort's orders, while Bellatrix tries to stop her but joins her at Snape's house anyway. Snape prevents Wormtail's eavesdropping and tells Bellatrix his story, though she still refuses to trust him; Narcissa then reveals that Voldemort has ordered Draco to do something difficult, and asks Snape to make an Unbreakable Vow - which he then does, saying that he will help Draco carry out the deed, and perform the deed himself if Draco fails. The Daily Prophet tells us about the wizarding public's perception of Harry and the steps the Ministry has taken to provide safety in the war, and Dumbledore returns to Privet Drive. Before leaving, Dumbledore sits with Harry and the Dursleys, updates Harry on his inheritance from Sirius and gives him Kreacher, determining that he has indeed come into Harry's possession. Dumbledore then chastises the Dursleys for their treatment of Harry but asks that he be allowed to return to Privet Drive one final time, and he and Harry depart.



* Which Prime Minister of Magic do you like less? Why?
* How do you feel about this book opening without any major characters like the books all have in the past?
* How do you feel about Snape making the Unbreakable Vow in terms of his loyalty to Dumbledore?
* What do you think Dumbledore's treatment of the Dursley's says about his actually feelings toward them, in general?

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Only One He Ever Feared

BOOK: The Order of the Phoenix


SYNOPSIS: Harry is chases Bellatrix but is unable to perform an Unforgivable Curse, Voldemort shows up and the Ministry members see this, Dumbledore saves Harry from the killing curse and is later reinstated as Headmaster.


Monday, August 30, 2010

The Lion and the Serpent - Christmas on the Closed Ward

BOOK: The Order of the Phoenix
SYNOPSIS: In which Gryffindor defeats Slytherin, but Harry, Fred, and George are given a lifetime ban from Quidditch by Umbridge for fighting with Malfoy. Hagrid's class is observed by Umbridge, Ginny Weasley replaces Harry as Gryffindor's Seeker, Dumbledore's Army meets again, and Harry and Cho kiss. In a dream, Harry witnesses Arthur Weasley being bitten by a huge snake. Arthur Weasley is rushed to St. Mungo's Hospital, Dumbledore sends Harry and the Weasleys back to Sirius' house, and they visit Arthur in hospital as he makes his recovery. Harry speculates on why Dumbledore will not look him in the eye, Hermione joins Harry and the Weasleys at Grimmauld Place for Christmas, and Percy sends back his Weasley sweater. They visit Arthur in St. Mungo's encounter Gilderoy Lockhart, and see Neville and his gran visiting his parents.


Friday, August 27, 2010

Rest In Awesomeness, Esther

I wanted to share something with you guys. Esther was a 16 year old Nerdfighter and Harry Potter enthusiast with advanced thyroid cancer. With the help of the Vlogbrothers and the Nerdfighters of the world, she spearheaded a campaign that helped send much needed supplies to the flood refugees through the Harry Potter Alliance. Thanks to her, we were able to send not one, not two, not even three, but four plane loads of supplies to those in need.

She passed away on Wednesday at about 3am.

John's video includes links to help her and her family, but I wanted to put another one in here for any of you who aren't aware of the Harry Potter Alliance.

This is a really amazing group and I strongly encourage each of you to check it out, and spread the word. Rest in peace, Esther. I never knew you out here in the real world, but I know the lives of thousands of people suck just a little less because of you, and that is pretty darn amazing.

New Previews

I thought you guys might enjoy these. The first was from the MTV movie awards, and the second is the new official trailer.