Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Mirror of Erised & Nicholas Flamel

BOOK:The Sorcerer's Stone

CHAPTERS: 12 & 13

SYNOPSIS: Harry enjoys his first Christmas at Hogwarts and makes an interesting discovery. The trio finally figure out what Fluffy is guarding.



  1. Now that I'm a letterboxer, I'm really intrigued by the text on the mirror of Erised. It's like the Julius Ceaser code I've seen on some boxes, just backwards. We should start using it!

  2. There's no letter substitutions in the code around the mirror though (doesn't JC code use substitutions?), it's just backwards with random spaces between "words." I do like the idea of writing a LB clue using it though. :)

  3. Exactly. What I meant was the idea of putting the random spaces in to confuse the wording. :) It would really be an interesting code. I think I'll use it on my first really good plant.

  4. Since we're on the top of LBing, how many of you have found a HP-themed LB? How many of you have planted one? I found a venemous tentacula once, and I have a short series planned to coincide with the release of the November movie.

    The reason I started reading the HP books was because someone told me about all the Latin in them (I was teaching high school Latin at the time). Many of the spells and curses are barely-changed Latin, and teachers were using the books to hook kids into the subject.

    It's very clear to me that JKR has some kind of classical education/training. Fluffy is just one of many, many examples of ancient ideas surfacing in the books (Cerberus, the three-headed hound of hell). I love it. I love that she's exposing kids to some of the great ideas of western literature in such a fun way.

    So...what would YOU see in the Mirror of Erised?

  5. I've found several HP themed boxes (I can think of 4 off-hand, but there may be more) in the Los Altos and Santa Clara, CA areas. I located the Golden Snitch, which was very difficult if you didn't look in just the right location.

    I took Latin in high school for 3 years and always enjoy coming across Latin references. My most recent box has a Latin title (can't remember what it is though! :)) One of my favorite all time boxes is Cavihominous Maximus Aphonem which plays with Latin type words.

    As for the mirror, I think I would see all of my projects at and around the home being completed with enough time and money to travel the world.

    Great question Fiddleheads!

    SJ Honey Bunny

  6. I would see myself in Europe. I would be at the top of the Eiffel, in the Lourve, eating cheeeeese everywhere!

    The very first time I read this book, I immediately caught on to the backwards text. It's nice cuz Erised doesn't look like a major backwards word but the rest did.

    Christie, you're right. A Caesar shift is a substitution cipher, not a transposition cipher. (I created a huge handout on ciphers for LBCon. If you want it, let me know.)


  7. I'm afraid my heart's desire would be close to what Harry sees. I would see my father playing with my sons. He died when my oldest was one.

    The chapter about the mirror is one of my favorites because of how Harry finds the room just when he needs it. :-)

  8. I've read these books at least five times apiece, and I didn't catch on that he required the room with the mirror. How very cool.

  9. Kuku,

    I would LOVE a copy of the handout on ciphers. I'll send you an AQ mail with my mailing address.

    SJ Honey Bunny

  10. Kuku's handout at LBcon was fantastic! I never "got" cyphers before that, and now I understand more than just a few! Thanks again, Kuku...yours was one of the classes I got the most from!
    I love the fact that you find that Neville, who has had everyone tell him that he's almost a squib for most of his whole life, then he comes to Hogwarts where most people tell him the same thing, and then he suddenly has Harry championing him. Harry only told him once that he was worth 12 of Malfoy, and Neville believed him to the point that he was willing to stand up to Malfoy, which takes a heap of courage. Because of Harry's friendship with Neville, it changes Neville's whole life. He begins to find out he's a person of consequence after all.
    This encourages me to look around and see if I can give people a kind and encouraging word, and thank them for helping me in any way that they have done so. Would that I could help change someone's life with a few words of praise! You never know, though, do you? Ah well, it's good to see it happen here.

  11. Hey! It was supposed to name my account as rohnerba.heartwriter.....not becca! Rats! Well, at any rate, people, Heart Writer now has her own gmail account, but it says "Becca" instead of heart writer. There are times when the little people inside my computer are a lot smarter than I am, and they do things their own way instead of the way I tell them I want it!
    On that note, I'm going to bed! "Nitol"!
    Heart Writer / AM Jenner / Becca [ ;P ] :(

  12. As far as the scene with Neville, I was in tears when he was telling Harry, Ron and Hermione the things that his family had told him and the way he was being treated by others. Not to give too much away, but if you've read the other books already, you know just how wrong everyone was. Not only did he take on Malfoy at the Quidditch match but he took on Crabbe and Goyle BOTH while Ron was hitting Malfoy. :-)

    Neville has always been a favorite character of mine.

  13. I'm actually working on a BIG postal ring for Harry Potter. I'm hopeful that it will be ready for the release of the first movie. It's going to have gobs of stamps. I'm filling a berty botts bag with foods like chocolate frogs and bottles of butterbeer and the like (mostly small, eraser carves) then there will be a collection of horcruxes and one of the trio, and maybe some death eater masks and who knows what else.

    Me in front of the mirror? I have to admit...I'd see myself as thin and beautiful. I know that makes it sound like I have low self esteem, but it's no where near that bad. I just miss how thin I was in my twenties. The clothing options where so much better.

  14. Sorry bout the double post, but I forgot to mention something.

    I don't think Harry found the mirror in the Room of Requirement, although that would have been a great hiding place for it. Harry did not require the room with the mirror at that time, so why would it appear for him? What he needed was a place to hide so, if he had gone past the R of R with that need, it would have turned into a broom closet or something the way it did for Fred and George. I think he might have just gotten lucky.

  15. I would see me with a college degree, and enough book sales to have a house big enough to hold my entire library...and a hot tub for soothing the arthritis.

