Friday, June 25, 2010

Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets

Watch the movie!

*In what was does it differ from the book and does those differences detract or enhance the story?*

For Tomorrow:
Prisoner of Azkaban
Chapters 1 & 2


  1. It's been awhile since I saw this one, but I do remember Ron's slug scene as particularly funny.

    A lot of the Ginny parts were left out of the movie, as were a lot of the diary bits. I think, having read the book, this all worked out, but if you hadn't, parts wouldn't make sense.

    At the HP exhibit I went to, they had the "petrified" Colin Creevey. He was accurate down to each pore and hair follicle because they took a mould of the actor. It really was astounding how lifelike he was. I also got a chance to pull a mandrake out of its pot. According to the commentary, each mandrake had its own battery so they would squirm around when the students yanked on them. They were so entertaining that the kids kept trying to sneak them off the set!

  2. I actually prefer the movie to the book. I find the book tedious and slow at times but the movie moves along more swiftly. I felt that Kenneth Branagh was an inspired choice for Lockhart. (At the time the movie came out, I remember reading some articles about him that described him as being a bit full of himself, shall we say, and I felt he was a perfect choice.)

    I wish they'd had more about Ginny but on the whole it was OK. I also felt that Myrtle is less annoying in the movie than in book. I think they played her for comedic effect a bit more.

  3. The major frustration for me is that in the books, Harry figures out the problems and key information, and in the movies, Hermione does it. I think this makes Harry's character a weaker one, which is a shame. And one question: Dumbledore delays Fudge and McNair while on their way to Hagrid's for the execution the first time...but how does he know how to do that so that innocent lives are spared? Hmmmm...just like majic!
