*This movie probably made more changes to the plot than all the others put together. How do you feel about the cuts?
*Many people who have never read the books call this their favorite of the films. Why do you think that is?
*How do you feel about the werewolf?
*Personal favorite...Why does Peter Pettigrew appear fully clothed despite the fact that, when he shapeshifts again, he leaves the clothes behind?
Goblet of Fire chapter 1
The werewolf in the movie was ugly and scary. I always imagined Lupin-as-werewolf as more wolf-like and less monstrous.
ReplyDeleteCuts had to be made to get the movie down to 2.5 hours. I think they actually did a pretty decent job of it.
I have to agree that this film has a fantastic look. The theme of time (close ups of the giant clock gears, the passage of seasons, etc) are a cool addition to the film. I think the director was great (and I don't know much about direction...I just like the look and feel of it).
I'm not too keen on Hermione's portrayal in this movie. She cries a lot. I know she does in the books, too, but to me it's more of a sensitive cry and less of a wimpy cry.