Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Riddle House

BOOK: The Goblet of Fire


SYNOPSIS: We're told about murders in the Riddle house from 50 years back, and in the present Voldemort's plans are overheard


* How do you feel about the first chapter not being told from Harry's POV unlike the last 2 books?

* What are your thoughts/impressions regarding the Riddles?


Pages read: 1085 (US edition)
Chapters read: 57
Days since we've started: 42
Days until the release of Deathly Hallows Part 1: 127


  1. This chapter confused me. I had to think and rethink the deaths of Tom and his parents. I missed the book starting off with the Dursleys.

  2. Actually more of the books don't start with Harry's POV than do...

    1: Uncle Vernon
    2: Harry
    3: Harry
    4: Frank, caretaker of the Riddle House
    5: Harry
    6: The Muggle Prime Minister
    7: Omniscient, at a meeting of Voldemort and Death Eaters at the Malfoy Manor

    When I first read this, I thought it might be Voldemort's parents and a sibling. I spent a lot of time wondering how they had died without a mark on them.

    By the time I spent a little time in Defense against the Dark Arts class with Professor Moody, I understood how they'd died the way they did, but I still didn't "get" their actual relationship to Voldemort until after I had read book 7


  3. And instantly, the books take a darker, more mature turn. The tone shifts signficantly in this first chapter from the self-involved POV of a pubescent boy to a complicated, black history of the wizarding world.

    The next chapter goes right back to Harry, but the shift from the first chapter allows JKR to reveal a more mature Harry as well.
