BOOK: The Order of the Phoenix
CHAPTERS: 14, 15, 16
SYNOPSIS: Harry writes to Sirius, Cho Chang calls him brave, Percy writes to Ron telling him to not be friends with Harry, Gryffindor has their first practice, and Harry and Sirius communicate via the fire in the common room. Umbridge is made Hogwarts High Inquisitor, and Harry loses his temper again in Defense Against the Dark Arts, serving another week's detention. Umbridge observes the professors in class, and Ron and Hermione try to convince Harry to give Defense Against the Dark Arts lessons. Harry, Hermione, and Ron hold a meeting at the Hog's Head to discuss with other students the possibility of Harry giving them Defense lessons, and Hermione tells Ron and Harry that Ginny is dating Michael Corner.
* As a 15 year old, you would have joined a secret club like the DA, knowing it could potentially get you into trouble?
*Can you think of another fictional character you hate as much as Umbridge?
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