BOOK: The Order of the Phoenix
CHAPTER: 17 & 18
SYNOPSIS: In which the High Inquisitor orders all Student Organizations, Societies, Teams, Groups, and Clubs disbanded, Harry and Ron learn that boys are not allowed in the girls' dormitory, Hedwig is hurt coming back from London, and Sirius is almost caught by Umbridge in the Gryffindor common room fireplace. Harry again dreams of the windowless corridor with the door at the end, Dobby tells Harry about the Room of Requirement, and Dumbledore's Army meets for the first time.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: I will be going to Dragon*Con this year! That means that from September 3-7 I will have little access to the internet, if any at all. So, naturally, I won't be updating during that time period. Wanted to give you guys plenty of warning!
Less Important Notice: I've started a little side project. If any of you are interested in Agatha Christie mysteries, join me at my other blog: Murder on the Blogger Express
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